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The Front Page of Global Fintech

The the largest fintech community in the world. Subscribe to our newsletter to stay up to date on the latest in news opinions, and all things financial technology.

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This Week in Fintech - Exits and Deep Reads (10/30)

This Week in Fintech - Exits and Deep Reads (10/30)

Hello Fintech Friends,

We have a couple spots left for our our private NYC dinner this Tuesday with SoftServe (featuring a Michelin star chef). If you’re a CIO, CTO, COO, or engineering leader at a bank or Series A+ fintech, we’d love to have you join! Reach out via the event link or directly to

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I had a fun time sitting down a week ago with Wharton Fintech’s Andrew Janssens to talk about fintech, investing, music, philosophy - sharing the recording below.

For all the product launch and fundraise news from Money2020, last week brought surprisingly little M&A and exit news from the fintech world.

Please find another week of fintech exits and deep reads below.

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☯️ Exits
🤝 M&A - Fintech
  • Worldline sold its payment terminal business to Apollo Funds for €2.3 billion and moved to acquire a 55% stake in SoftPos, a Warsaw-based fintech that converts Android devices into secure payment terminals.
  • Payments techn company InComm Payments acquired The Card Network, an Australian gift card provider.
  • Yaydoo, a Mexican builder of business payment solutions which recently merged with Paystand, acquired payment platform Oyster Financial.
  • Credit report and compliance solution provider Credit Bureau Connection announced its acquisition of credit soft pull provider CreditDriver.
  • Blockchain and crypto developer Net Savings Link acquired AWC Centralized Cryptocurrency Exchange.
  • FTX CEO Sam Bankman-Fried hinted that Coinbase could be a potential acquisition target.
🏦 M&A - Bank and FinServ
  • The UK antitrust regulator approved the London Stock Exchange’s acquisition of capital markets tech provider Quantile.
  • Chinese conglomerate Fosun is looking into potentially selling German bank Hauck & Aufhäuser.
  • Embattled bank Credit Suisse has attracted private equity buyers for its credit management unit and its securitized products group.
  • Mexican bank Banorte has called off its pursued acquisition of Citigroup’s Banamex Mexican unit.
  • Private equity firms are lining up to buy Thailand’s Kasikornbank’s asset management unit.

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🌎 Fintech Around the World

How regulations can accelerate the evolution of Africa’s financial technology

Supermercados financieros en Chile

Italian bank fundraising attracts ‘state aid’ scrutiny in Brussels

India's curbs on Alphabet are a blessing for local payment providers

📚 Deeper Reads & Features

The State of Payment Operations 2022

Money20/20 US: The inside track on fintech’s biggest event

The World Has Changed For Cross-Border Payments, But What’s Next?

Fintech Startup Atomic* Has A Plan For Blowing Up The $8 Trillion ETF Industry

Staax thinks peer-to-peer payments can onboard a new generation of stock investors

Fintech using behavioral science to monitor consumer debt

Creating the neobank and embedded finance industry, with Sila CEO and Simple Co-Founder Shamir Karkal

Goldman Sachs doubles down on the rich

Pension Fund Appetite for Commercial Real Estate Is Fading Fast

Real-Estate Agents Turn to TikTok and Instagram Reels to Market Properties—and Themselves

Banks are discovering that holding cash can be lucrative again

Europe’s fintech opportunity

What the Apple Card High-Yield Savings Account is Really About

Amira Yahyaoui Founded Fintech Startup Mos to Make College More Affordable

Fintech Reckoning

The stubborn persistence of paper in a digital world

Watch a golden retriever meet his new puppy sibling

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