The Front Page of Fintech

The largest fintech community in the world. Subscribe to our newsletter to stay up to date on the latest in news opinions, and all things financial technology.

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The Front Page of Fintech

The largest fintech community in the world. Subscribe to our newsletter to stay up to date on the latest in news opinions, and all things financial technology.

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Managed by the TWIF Team and our board, Shamir Karkal and Laura Spiekerman.

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UK & Europe - This Week in Fintech
A weekly digest of news, opinions, and all things financial technology.
Latin America - This Week in Fintech
A weekly digest of news, opinions, and all things financial technology.
Asia & India - This Week in Fintech
A weekly digest of news, opinions, and all things financial technology.
Africa - This Week in Fintech
A weekly digest of news, opinions, and all things financial technology.
China - This Week in Fintech
A weekly digest of news, opinions, and all things financial technology.

Our weekly fintech policy overview:

Policy - This Week in Fintech
A weekly digest of news, opinions, and all things financial technology.

🎧The Podcasts

The new TWIF Podcast in 2024!

Hear from our great hosts, Helen Femi Williams, Julie VerHage-Greenberg, and Jillian Williams, as they interview some of the biggest names in fintech and keep you up to date on everything that's going on across the globe.

Catch up on all our episodes here:

Podcast - This Week in Fintech
A weekly digest of news, opinions, and all things financial technology.
🎧Building the Best, with Jillian Williams feat. Laura & Tommy of Alloy
We’re excited to kick off a new series for The TWIF Podcast, Building the Best, hosted by the fantastic Jillian Williams of Cowboy Ventures. In this series, we’ll dive deep into the fundamentals of building transformative products, by interviewing the best founders in fintech. For our inaugural episode, Jillian is
🎧 Podcast: Hey Fintech Friends ft Simon Taylor
″ I think the fall is a catalyst for pursuing self. It’s like a forcing function. And it’s how the vast majority of people will discover it, but it’s not the only way to discover it. And so I personally have received a lot of joy and gratitude from having done so.” - Simon Taylor

💎 Signals: Our Premium Content

Subscribe to our quarterly analysis of fundraises, exits and product launches; read our product deep-dives; hear from our great guest writers:

Signals - This Week in Fintech
A weekly digest of news, opinions, and all things financial technology.

Recent writeups:

Signals: Where does neobanking go from here?
Building a neobank in 2021 was the wild west. Then, in early 2022, everything changed. What can future neobanks learn from the mistakes of the last cohort?
Signals: Embedding vs. owning your card infrastructure
For companies launching cards, the decision to embed vs. build in-house infrastructure comes with important tradeoffs. A breakdown of the benefits and risks of each path.
The Startup Community Must Shake Off Its Funding ‘Shell-Shock’
Jake is founding partner of BTV, one of our friends in the fintech seed investing world, who also hosts The Mint program for supporting pre-seed fintech founders. They’re now accepting applications and introductions for their spring 2024 cohort. Jake was also co-founder of NerdWallet. People tend to think of startups

🥳 The Events

In 2023, we hosted 57 fintech events across 31 different cities around the world! Be the first to know when new events are announced, by signing up:

Fintech Events
👀Want to see our upcoming events in real-time? Check out This Week in Fintech organizes fintech events around the world: meetups, happy hours, dinners, workouts, classes, you name it. (Check out the photos here.) Want to join us? Let us know which cities’ events you’d like to
This Week in Fintech · Luma
The front page of global fintech.

And check out photos from our past events on our Instagram 👇

🤝 Sponsorships and Partnerships

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Newsletter & Podcast Sponsorships - This Week in Fintech
Sponsoring a This Week in Fintech Event

🏆 Meet Our Team

Cristina Ciaravalli

Head of Community

Christine Chang

Editor in Chief, Latin America

Michael Jenkins

Editor in Chief, UK & Europe

Osborne Salanha

Editor in Chief, India & Asia

Ning Ye

Editor in Chief, China

John Haule

Editor in Chief, Africa

Helen Femi Williams

Podcast Editor

Julie VerHage-Greenberg

Podcast Editor

Jillian Williams

Podcast Editor

Sophie Vo

Signals Writer

Desmond Fleming

Staff Writer

Mohammad Hamdy

Policy Editor

Analisa Ruff

Events Lead

Carina Oriel

Event Lead

Kaylee Veintimilla

Event Lead

Tori Keeshin

Event Lead

Kate Kiewel

Latin America Events

Wiza Jalakasi

Africa Events

Dennis Owusu-Sem

Special Projects

Alex Gillette

Head of Revenue

Nik Milanović
